

“Populism, Religion and Family Values in Israel, Italy and Turkey” (with Guy Ben Porat, Dani Filc and Erdi Öztürk),  Mediterranean Politics 2021.

“Is Right-Wing Populism a Phenomenon of Religious Dissent? The Cases of the Lega and Rassemblement National” (with Fabio Bolzonar), International Journal of Religion, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2020, pp. 45-59

“Last but not Least: How Italy Finally Legalized Same-Sex Unions”, Contemporary Italian Politics Vol. 12, No. 1, 2020, pp. 43-61

“Social Movements, Innovation, and Governance: The Case of the Economy of Communion in Italy”, Politics and Religion Journal Vol. 13 No. 2, 2019, pp. 267-284

“Religion, Cleavages and Right-Wing Populist Parties: The Italian Case”, The Review of Faith and International Affairs, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2019, pp. 65-77

“Patterns of Political Secularism in Italy and Turkey: the Vatican and the Diyanet to the Test of Politics” (with Chiara Maritato), Politics and Religion Vol. 12, No. 3, 2019, pp. 457-477

“From ‘the New Rome’ to the Old One: The Gülen Movement in Italy”, Politics, Religion and Ideology Vol. 19, No. 1, 2018, pp. 95-108

“Two forms of Catholicism in twenty-first-century Italian public debate: an analysis of positions on same-sex marriage and Muslim dress codes”, Journal of Modern Italian Studies Vol. 21, No. 3, 2016

“The debate about same-sex marriages/civil unions in Italy’s 2006 and 2013 electoral campaigns”, Contemporary Italian Politics Vol. 7, No. 2, 2015

“The Paradox of the Female Participation in Fundamentalist Movements”, Partecipazione e conflitto Vol. 7, No. 1, 2014

“Religion, Political Actors and Democratization: The Turkish Case”, Politics and Religion Vol. 7, No. 3, 2014

“The Many Faces of the Political God: A Typology of Religiously Oriented Parties”, Democratization Vol. 20, No. 5, 2013

Introduction: Religiously Oriented Parties and Democratization” (with Francesco Cavatorta), Democratization Vol. 20, No. 5, 2013

Conclusion: Reassessing the Relation between Religion, Political Actors and Democratization” (with Francesco Cavatorta), Democratization Vol. 20, No. 5, 2013

The Debate on the Crucifix in Public Spaces in Twenty-First Century Italy”, Mediterranean Politics Vol. 18, No. 2, 2013

“Introduction: Religion, Democracy and Civil Liberties”, European Political Science Vol. 12, 2013

Il pluralismo religioso americano e le relazioni internazionali”, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica, No. 1, 2012

Il dibattito teorico su democrazia e religione e il caso italiano”, Rivista di Politica, No. 2, 2012

Islam e democrazia nello spazio migratorio europeo” (with Paolo Di Motoli), Quaderno di Storia Contemporanea, No. 52, 2012

Religione e politica estera: il caso della Turchia negli anni del governo Erdogan”, Warning, No. 1, 2012

“A Political Science Perspective on Religious Fundamentalism”, Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, Vol. 10, No. 3-4, 2009

“Religious Fundamentalism and Democracy”, Politikologija Religije (Politics and Religion Journal), Vol. 3, No. 1, 2009 (full text)

“Fondamentalismo islamico”, Meridiana n. 52, 2005

Religiously Oriented Actors and Democratization (with Francesco Cavatorta), Routledge, Abingdon 2014 (previously published as special issue of the journal Democratization, Vol. 20. No. 5, 2013)

Religion, Democracy and Civil Liberties”, symposium of European Political Science, Vol. 12, 2013

Religioni tra pace e guerra. La religione nelle relazioni internazionali del XXI secolo (with Valter Coralluzzo), UTET, Torino 2012


Fondamentalismo/i”, Nuvole n. 24, 2004, pp. 93-97

Il dibattito internazionale sulla compatibilità fra Islam e Democrazia: alcune tesi a favore”, Teoria Politica n. 3/2004, pp. 167-181

Elezioni nel mondo – India”, Polena n. 3, 2004, pp. 144-150

Elezioni nel mondo – Indonesia”, Polena n. 2, 2005, pp. 128-132

“La Christian Right e Israele”, Biblioteca della Libertà, n. 181, 2005, XL (2005), October-December, n. 181, pp. 63-77

 “Una prospettiva politologica sul fondamentalismo religioso”, Teoria Politica n. 2/2007, pp. 103-117

“Le relazioni fra Turchia ed Europa ad un punto critico”, Diritto e libertà n. 13/2007, pp. 49-61

“Fra europeismo e neo-ottomanismo: La politica estera della Turchia durante il governo dell’AKP (2002-2007)”, Biblioteca della libertà n. 191, 2008, pp. 21-33

“Il fondamentalismo protestante americano dalle origini alla Christian Right”, Ricerche di storia sociale e religiosa XXXVI, n.72, 2007, pp. 113-132

“Editoriale: Le democrazie degli altri”, Nuvole n. 31, 2008

“La destra religiosa americana tra Bush e Obama”, Nuvole n. 35, 2008

Hindutva: La destra religiosa indù dalle origini alla conquista del potere”, Kervan n. 6, 2008, pp. 55-67

Dal milli görüş alla democrazia conservatrice. Il difficile percorso dell’islam politico nella Turchia contemporanea”, Quaderni di storia contemporanea

Il vero e il falso nella storia: Lo scontro sui libri di testo fra laici e religiosi in India”, Intelligence & storia top secret, No. 12, 2009, pp. 39-50

Apocalisse in libreria: I romanzi di Left Behind e l’apocalittica fondamentalista nella cultura Americana”, Intelligence & storia top secret, No. 12, 2009, pp. 51-60

“A Political Science Perspective on Religious Fundamentalism”, Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions, Vol. 10, No. 3-4, 2009, pp. 339-359

India inquieta”, Cronos, No. 1, 2009, pp. 58-68

Ergenekon. La “Gladio” turca: democrazia sotto attacco”, Cronos, No. 2, 2009, pp. 50-55

Il fondamentalismo religioso: Implicazioni politiche”, Nuova Informazione Bibliografica (Il Mulino), No.1, 2010, pp. 65-81

L’AKP: l’islamocrazia come modello?”, Aspenia, No. 52, 2011, pp. 136-142

Ahmet Davutoglu e il ruolo della religione nella politica estera turca”, Diritto e libertà, No. 19, 2011, pp. 215-223

La diaspora turca in Europa: terreno di conquista per gli islamisti?”, Diritto e libertà, No. 19, 2011, pp. 408-413

La religione nella politica estera turca”, WAR-ning No.1, 2011

 “Let the Parties Start”, Longitude No. 12, 2012, p. 103

La religione nelle urne”, Aspenia, No. 57, 2012, pp. 107-113

 “Il peso dei luoghi santi dell’Islam”, Aspenia, No. 60, pp. 145-150


Mark Juergensmeyer, Terror in the Mind of God; Jean-Marie Pontaut and Marc Epstein, Ils ont assassiné Massoud , Teoria Politica Teoria Politica n. 2/2004

Pete W. Moore, Doing Business in the Middle East, Teoria Politica n. 1/2005, pp. 197-200

Vincent Boudreau, Resisting Dictatorship; Charles D. Brockett, Political Movements and Violence in Central America; Ellen Lust Okar, Structuring Conflict in the Arab World, Teoria Politica n. 2/2006, pp. 197-205

Norman Schofield, Architects of Political Change: Constitutional Quandaries and Social Choice Theory, Teoria Politica n. 2/2007, pp. 185-190

James L. Gibson e Amanda Gouws, Overcoming Intolerance in South Africa, Teoria Politica No. 2, 2007, pp. 205-207

Fred Halliday, Il Medio Oriente. Potenza, politica e ideologia, Teoria Politica No. 3, 2009, pp. 217-218

Lee Marsden e Heather Savigny (a cura di), Media, Religion and Conflict, Democratization, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 1301-1303

Shiping Hua (Ed.), Islam and Democratization in Asia, forthcoming in Politics, Religion and Ideology

Devin R. Springer, James L. Regens, and David N. Edger, Islamic Radicalism and Global Jihad, forthcoming in Politics and Religion


Religious Terrorist Groups and Political Power: An Ambiguous Relationship”, University of Turin, SGIR Conference, 14 September 2007

Fondamentalismo e democrazia nel mondo contemporaneo: I casi di Stati Uniti, Israele, Turchia e India” (Fundamentalism and Democracyin the Contemporary World: The Cases of the United States, Israel, Turkey and India), University of Catania, SISP Conference, 21 September 2007

Religious Fundamentalism and Democracy: An Impossibile Relationship?”, University of Ljubljana, WISC Conference, 23-26 July 2007

“Verso un nuovo paradigma geopolitico? Il ruolo della religione nella politica estera turca negli anni del governo Erdogan” (Towards a New Geopolitical Paradigm? The Role of Religion in Turkish Foreign Policy in the Years of the Erdogan Government), University of Pavia, SISP Conference, September 2008

Religiously-oriented political actors and foreign policy: The case of the AK Party in Turkey”, ECPR General Conference (Potsdam, September 2009)

Il fondamentalismo religioso in scienza politica”, SISP conference (Rome, 17-19 September 2009) “Religion and Democratization: The Turkish Case”, WOCMES Conference (Barcelona, 19-24 July 2010) “The Paradox of Female Participation in Fundamentalist Movements”, CESNUR Conference (Torino, 9-11 September 2010)

Religion and Knowledge as a Global Public Good”, Religions and Global Governance Conference (Trento, 13-14 October 2010)

Religious Fundamentalism and Politics in Democratic Regimes”, Religion and Politics Working Group (RPWG), European University Institute, Fiesole, 11 February 2011

Models of Religiously-Oriented Parties and Democratization”, IPSA Conference, July 2012, Madrid

Transnational Religious Actors: The Case of the Gülen Movement in Turkey” (with Valeria Giannotta), SISP Conference, September 2012, Rome

“La religione nelle primarie USA del 2012”, SISP Conference, September 2012, Rome

The Debate about Same-Sex Marriages/Unions in Italy’s 2006 and 2013 Electoral Campaigns”, ECPR General Conference, September 2013, Bordeaux

“Religious issues and political debate in Italy 2001-2013” (with Alberta Giorgi), Conference on “Religion, Democracy and Law”, January 2014, London Metropolitan University, London

“Italian Political Parties and Ethical/Religious Debates in 21st Century Italy”, Conference on “Rethinking Political Catholicism”, May 2014, John Cabot University, Rome

“Identity and Minorities: The Italian Case”, Conference on “Citizenships”, May 2014, Turin University, Turin

“The Hizmet Movement in Transnational Perspective and Its Institutions in Italy”, SISP Conference, September 2014, Perugia

“Which Side are You On? Controversial ‘Religious’ Issues in Italy” (with Alberta Giorgi), ECPR General Conference, September 2014, Glasgow

“Italy and the Controversies around Religion-Related Issues: Overemphasizing Differences” (with Alberta Giorgi), Interdisciplinary Workshop on Religious Pluralism, EUI, January 2015, Fiesole

“Different Conceptions of Religious Pluralism in the Italian Political Debate”, Conference on “Religion in the Global World”, Sophia University, April 2015, Florence

“The Hizmet Movement in Transnational Perspective and its Institutions in Italy”, EISA Conference, September 2015, Giardini Naxos, Sicily

“The Hizmet Movement in Italy”; Conference on Transnational Religious Movements, Dialogue and Development, University of Turin, Turin, 10 December 2015

“Standing Sentinels, ‘Gender Conspiracies’ and Surrogate Mothers: The Recent Italian Debate on LGBT Issues”, ECPR General Conference, Prague, 10 September 2016

“Last but not Least: The Recent Italian Debate about the Regulation of Same-Sex Unions, and the Approval of the Cirinnà bill”, SISP Conference, Milan, 15 September 2016

“Political Parties and Religion”, presented at the Ecole thématique politique, religion et laïcité Rome, 30 November 2016

“Influence or Negotiation? Religion, Pluralism and Public Policies in Italy and Turkey” (with Chiara Maritato), ECPR Joint Sessions, Nottingham, 25-30 April 2017

“The Recent Italian Debate on Same-Sex Unions and the Approval of the Cirinnà Bill”, ECPG Conference (organized by the ECPR Standing Group on Politics and Gender), Lausanne, 10 June 2017

“Capitale sociale e innovazione nell’imprenditoria con orientamento spirituale: Il caso dell’Economia di Comunione”, Conference Cittadinanze, University of Turin, 28 November-1st December 2017

“Religion, Globalization and Right-Wing Populism: Some Reflections on the Recent evolution of the Religious Cleavage”, Conference of the European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 5-7 March 2018

“Religion, Cleavages and Right-Wing Populism: The Italian Case”, SISP Conference, University of Turin, 6-8 September 2018

“Religione e spazio pubblico in università”, Conference Università e spiritualità, University of Turin, Turin, 27 September 2018

“The Discourse on Multiculturalism and Religious Pluralism of the Italian Right”, Conference of the European Academy of Religion, Bologna, 3-7 March 2019

“Religion and Right-Wing Populism: The Italian Case”, Presentation given at the Second Global Summit on Religion, Peace and Security, United Nations, Geneva, 29 April – 1st May 2019

“Approcci alla prevenzione dei processi di radicalizzazione violenta”, Presentation given at the PRIMED Conference, Ferrara, 5-7 June 2019

“What Right-Wing Populism Says on LGBT+ Rights? A Comparison of the Public Discourses on LGBT+ Issues of the Lega Nord and the Rassemblement National” (with Fabio Bolzonar), European Conference on Politics and Gender, Amsterdam, 3-6 July 2019

“Religion, Political Parties and Social Cleavages: Some Theoretical Reflections”, SISP Conference, University of Salento, Lecce, 12-14 September 2019

“The Lega’s Use of Religious Symbols and Religion-related Controversies in Italy”, Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, Lucerne, 3-4 February 2020

The Masks of the Political God: A New Appreciation of the Role of Religiously Oriented Parties in Democratic Systems”, ECPR General Conference, online, 26-28 August 2020

Religious Communities and Empowerment in Community Organizing: The Case of Turin” (with Sara Fenoglio), ECPR General Conference, online, 26-28 August 2020